How We Can Work Together
I work with a variety of clients—individuals and couples—with diverse backgrounds, identities, and issues. A major theme in the work I do is relationship and love. We humans grapple with relationships of all sorts, and derive deep meaning—as well as deep pain—from our relationships with others and with ourselves. Addressing the problems that develop in relationships can lead to a more gratifying life.
Clients often seek me out because they are ready to work on themselves at a deep level; profound transformation is possible when people work actively with unconscious material.
The relationship between dreaming and creativity is compelling, and I work well with individuals who have careers in creative professions, or who simply wish to enhance their connection to the creative layer in their psyche.
Another specialty of mine is working with clients who have lost their parents through death or divorce, sometimes at an early point in their lives, sometimes more recently. Early loss can contribute to adult-life problems.
A focus of much of my writing has been the Archetypal Mother in all of her manifestations. This translates into my clinical work in that I am sensitive to client issues stemming from complicated relationships to mothers, and to the trials, stresses and joys of parenting.
Love and Relationships
Loss and Grief
Creative Process
Dealing with Illness
Parenting, Pre and Post-natal
Loss of Meaning and Purpose
Connecting to Soul
Work Stress
Life Stresses
Life Transitions
Sexual Identity
Cost per Session: $230
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